Financial Advice
Our advice is individual and tailored to you
The advice process
Typically there will be an initial consultation with one of our chartered financial advisers, who will assess your needs by gathering all relevant details from you about your financial circumstances and objectives.
The adviser should then be in a position to provide advice on relevant areas, such as pensions, life assurance or investments, depending on what your needs and priorities are.
Following the initial consultation, our adviser will outline what the next steps would be, along with details of any associated fees or charges for work to be carried out.
It may be appropriate for a second consultation to take place, depending on individual circumstances but in all cases where advice is being provided a written report will be provided. This report will detail any applicable fees and charges, both for advice provided and for any ongoing servicing that may be agreed.
Once any new plans are implemented we would agree what ongoing service is appropriate, for example it may be advisable for us to provide you with an annual review, which may or may not include a meeting and / or a written review.
The cornerstone of financial planning
Our chartered advisers are qualified in all areas of financial planning, so that whatever your needs and priorities are at various stages of your life we can help you ensure that you have the most suitable planning in place to meet any goals you may have.
Ultimately, we would aim to have your money working for you, in the right place at the right time. We aim to provide clients with a bespoke service, tailored to their individual needs, and we know that our clients value professional advice.
Whilst advising you in a comprehensive and holistic manner, we would also be mindful of any tax implications that existing and potential plans would have, so as to maximise tax efficiency.
Life Assurance
Your financial planning needs will change as you move through the various stages of life, and this is particularly the case with your Life Assurance needs. For example, if you are working and have a young family there may be a more pressing need for Life Assurance to protect dependents in the event of your death, or serious, or long term illness. It is surprising how many of us do not have sufficient cover in place to protect our families, and it is important to understand the various types of cover there are, and how all the different plans work.
In later stages of life, your needs are likely to change, and you may be more interested in protecting your estate so that the maximum amount passes to your heirs.
Whatever your stage of life and whatever your needs, our chartered advisers can gather the relevant information and provide you with appropriate solutions that are cost effective for you. As part of our advice process, we would analyse any existing plans and advise as to whether they continue to be suitable, and whether they are providing you with sufficient cover in the relevant area.

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We can provide individual tailored advice for you
We have extensive experience in advising Trustees
We provide corporate clients with high quality timely advice
Professional Partners
We're used to working closely with other professional firms